Within the event Futur en Seine 2011, we wanted to specially display the city as it is today. We wanted to show the multiple faces that inhabitants give to their town by creating portrait in video that inhabitants could manipulate and discover thanks to Kinect, a screen and a webcam.
This project has been implemented and carried out from June 18th to 22nd during the DESIGN METADATA 1 & 2 conference within the Futur en Seine Festival.
The city today has an abundance of data and metadata. This data is the invisible track of every people in town. We wanted to show those multiples faces by creating a mosaic that represent the cultural diversity of the population and that reminds us that it exists. This collective artwork shows how different are people in town, who live, move and take part in the city without actually know it.
The device used by Face Collection is formed by a webcam that films the participants during a limited period of time. There is a screen that broadcasts the video. We ask the participants to mimic their feelings, their memories or their idea of the town with a specific question for each video. Then the video is added to a mosaic formed by the others and displaying a collective artwork. A Kinect allows the person to be identified and to manipulate the others portraits to discover the question that had been asked to the others participants.
After a while, the videos disappear and are replaced by new ones. It is possible to prolong a video’s lifetime by voting (liking) it during the manipulation.
The mosaic is broadcasted on the screen during the exhibit.
Designed and set up during the IRI workshop – Strate Collège – ESILV 2011 by :
Geoffrey Graven, Guillaume Jallon, Chloé Payot et Dina Wassif.